Mission Milby serves Houston's Pecan Park and surrounding East End neighborhoods. Over 1200 persons a week are served by the various partner programs and services provided on campus at 2220 Broadway St.
The campus is located between Milby High School and Deady Middle School. Because of that, Mission Milby serves a large youth population that is provided a safe and secure place to go after school. Several hundred youth use the computers in the building after school each day and a large group of youth gather together for fellowship, study, prayer, and support. We host a meal and youth worship experience on Wednesdays.
The Mission Opportunity program is focused on helping students at Milby High School and Deady Middle School be successful in school, graduate, and become responsible adults.
Technology For All - provides a free wireless network for the community in collaboration with Rice University. In addition, TFA has upgraded the computer labs.
Justice For All Immigrants - is a ministry of hospitality that welcomes immigrants by providing affordable, high-quality immigration legal services to low- income immigrants, engaging in advocacy for immigrant rights, and offering education to communities.
Board of Directors
Maria Aguilar
Sally Diaz
Opal Harrison Ford
Jana Fridfinnsdottir
Rev. Trey Comstock
Elizabeth Mireles Angel
Robert Mottu
Dr. Will Reed
Melinda Stephenson
Maria Aguilar, Executive Director
Litzy Escobar, Receptionist, Youth Coor.
Guadalupe Felix, Custodian
Program Partners
AARP Tax Aide
Books Between Kids
Christian Community Service Center
Civic Heart
Clear Lake UMC
Clothed By Faith
Christus Foundation
Communities in Schools
Community Family Centers
Deady Middle School
DePelchin Children's Center
Harris County Juvenile Probation
Harris County Public Health
Houston Community College
Houston Food Bank
Houston ISD - Sunrise Center
Houston Public Library
Justice For All Immigrants
Latinas Hablando En Español
Milby High School
Prevent Blindness Texas
Rice University
The Rose
Second Servings
SER-Jobs for Progress
Strawbridge UMC
UH Healthy Connection
The United Methodist Church
Urban Harvest
Workforce Solutions
Bering Memorial UMC
Chapelwood UMC, Houston
Cheniere Energy
Clear Lake United Methodist Church
Compean Funeral Home
Conqueror’s Sunday School Class,
(Good Shepherd UMC)
Hamman Foundation
Greater Houston Community Foundation
Heartspring Foundation
Hildebrand Foundation
Latino Coalition
Lindler Family Fund
Marek Family Foundation
Memorial Drive UMC
Permanent Endowment Fund of the
Moody Methodist Church
Port of Houston
Strawbridge United Methodist Church
Texas Methodist Foundation
Valero Energy Foundation
*Individual donors are not listed to protect their confidentiality.